Monday, March 31, 2008

Article on health

I used to read every article on health that came out, but lately I've given this up as a bad habit. To be honest it was driving me absolutely crazy. You see, I am a health fanatic. I used to be fat, lazy, and out of shape, and it made me absolutely miserable. Since I finally got my body back into shape, I have been doing everything that I can to keep myself as healthy as possible. Reading articles on health helps me to keep up with the latest news in exercise, diet, supplements, and other aspects of longevity.

But nowadays, when I read an article on health, it just fills me up with anxiety. After all, one article on health will say one thing, another day, another article says something else. One day, soon type of food, such as soy, is good for you, and the next day an article on health says that increases food allergens and promotes the development of female hormones in males. I swear, all I want is to find the perfect diet, the perfect exercise routine, and the perfect lifestyle to keep myself as healthy as I can for as long as I possibly can. Every article on health that I read, however, has a different idea of what that would mean. Until recently, alcohol was thought of as bad for you, as were chocolate, and coffee. Now it turns out that wine is good for you, beer is good for you provided it is dark beer, chocolate is good for you if it is dark chocolate, and even coffee has been found to have some health benefits when used in moderation. Tomorrow, they will be saying that ice cream and cheesecake are the best options for creating a low cholesterol diet!

What I have finally figured out at such great pains is that, ultimately, my own life is my own responsibility. I can read all the article on health by experts that I want, but none of them will really tell me how to live. At the very best, article on health can give me some health tips that will help me figure out how to exercise, and how to eat right, but the rest is just me listening to my body. It all comes down to this: I need to do what feels right for me. If I can do this, I can live a healthier, happier, and longer life.

Anxiety Cures

Anxiety Cures

Anxiety can afflict anyone at any time, and in some circumstances, is a healthy response to what is going on around them. It is normal to feel anxious before a sport competition or an exam - helping us to focus or prepare for the task at hand. It is normal for a parent to worry about their teenage son or daughter who has not come home after midnight, but not normal if they become anxious each time the teenager leaves the house. Anxiety cures - both allopathic and homeopathic- are available by either doctors or herbalists, and some are available in your local drugstore or whole foods shop.

Anxiety, like most things, only becomes a problem when it becomes excessive. This usually occurs when people cannot calm themselves down over a prolonged period of time, or react in a situation that is disproportionate to the threat. Unfortunately, in our current age, our lives are frittered with many genuine anxieties. The fear of crime, unemployment and one’s health can be some sources of anxiety that may call for potential cures. There has never been such a demand for anxiety cures in our modern world.

Anxiety manifests itself in many forms, ranging from muscle tension, through digestive problems, migraines, asthma, sleeplessness and heart disease. It does not normally kill, but can be a predisposing factor is many other serious illnesses. Finding anxiety cures have never been so important; however, some people are now choosing to take more natural remedies, such as essential oils and herbal teas, rather than receiving stronger prescription drugs from their doctors.

If one suffers from repeated anxiety attacks, it is advisable to seek a qualified
aromatherapist rather than undergo self-treatment. For milder forms of anxiety, essential oils can be used in massages, face compresses, steam inhalation or baths. Some oils commonly used as anxiety cures include: Camomile, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Jasmine, Juniper, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium and Clary Sage. Each person will have their own preference to the oils, and their preference is normally an indication of their state of mind.

Another way people can use natural remedies as anxiety cures are through herbal teas or infusions. Teas without caffeine are usually recommended and are a great benefit when used in tandem with essential oils. Chamomile, Lemon and Peppermint teas help to calm the mind and cure anxiety after a difficult day at work or before a potentially stressful situation.

The use of herbal remedies combined with moderate exercise can help the body cope with anxiety better. Some people use yoga, meditation or relaxation exercises that cost little or no money and reap numerous health benefits. I have found that often the best anxiety cures come at little or no cost.

Anxiety is a part of our twentieth-first century lives, and it is a common product of many complex situations we face daily. We cannot completely rid ourselves of fear, and different anxiety cures work differently for each person. Instead we can try different methods of relaxation when we feel anxiety start to take over- helping us to better manage the stress of living in these modern times.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Health And Immune Systems For Childrens

In order for the body to cure itself, the immune system must be strong and functioning properly. The immune system can be strengthened gradually through a wholesome natural diet, natural supplements and exercise or it can be damaged gradually by abuse. Minor health concerns can become major health problems if the immune system is not strong.

Children with strong immune systems are not effected as much by every day toxins. It is the immune systems responsibility to eliminate these toxins. The most important factor in strengthening the immune system is proper nutrition.

Parents should not rely on pediatricians alone to instruct them on the best nutrition for their children. They need to take the responsibility for their own children and find out for themselves.

Eating a variety of healthy raw foods is a big plus for the immune system. One study showed that cooked foods puts strain on the immune system, while raw foods did not. More white blood cells were found in the intestines with cooked foods, while no change in white blood cell count was noted in the intestines when raw foods were consumed. Another way to strengthen the immune system in children is taking supplements.

Some supplements that strengthen the immune system include:

Vitamin A/Beta-Carotene which work as antioxidants to inhibit free radical damage and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and helps protect against immune related diseases such a colds, flu and cancer. Vitamin C also is one of the most important nutrients for heart health. The human body does not produce vitamin C like animals. Animals do not have heart attacks because they product about 20 grams of vitamin C daily. Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in humans world wide. Vitamin C is the paste of the artery walls that keeps them from blowing out. When the body does not have enough vitamin C it makes it's own paste from lipoprotein (a) to try to repair weak artery walls which clogs up the arteries. High cholesterol levels are not the main problem, low vitamin C and other key nutrients are which keep the cholesterol from sticking to the artery wall is the problem.

Vitamin E helps produce cells to fight infection.

B Vitamins help the nervous system with stress.

Selenium and zinc are important antioxidants.

Rose Hips help strengthen the immune system.

According to many herbalists, echinacea is a natural antibotic that helps stimulate immune function.

Garlic is a natural antibotic and seems to help with infections.

Essential Fatty Acids are essential to the immune system and must be gotten through food or supplements because the body does not produce them.

Obesity in children in the United States is out of control. Parents are the only ones that can stop it . Parents must set the example of proper nutrition, supplementation and regular exercise. If children are taught the right way while they are young when they are grown they will not depart from it.

Top Ten Anti Aging Health Systems

If you are over 50 you can probably recall what "old" people in general were 30 or 40 years ago. They were usually pretty slow afoot. Few played sports or worked out. The terms anti-aging, or anti-aging system did not exist. Old was 50 in the 1960's and 1970's..

By today's standards, at 50 we are not considered old any more. Some of us have an anti-aging system in place that allows us to remain young as we enter our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Some are young at 80 and we see more youngsters even into their 90’s. People are much more active now then they were three or four decades ago.

Most boomers no longer consider themselves old, which is quite plausible with life expectancy going up year after year. The terms anti-aging health systems and baby boomers are part of our culture today.

But we need our strength to assure us of a quality of life into our sixties, seventies and beyond. Like anti-aging system for health.

I have listed some suggestions to mull over in order to grow old at a snail's pace. These tips can be your anti-aging health system. And feel good doing it.

Make any of these anti-aging health system tips your own. If you apply the action for about 30 days on a continual bases it becomes habitual. Utilizing any of these actions on a perpetual basis will have a positive gain in your life.

1. The most meaningful anti-aging system health tip, is to stop smoking. We have all heard the many reasons not to smoke and to stay away from others' smoke.

2. Keep the weight down. Leanness is high on the list because fat cells have several bad effects - weight, hardening of the arteries and a propensity to concern type 2 diabetes.

3. Take supplements. Particularly alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine. These will aid your energy output. One of my favorite anti-aging system tips.

4. Skip a meal each day or fast a day each week. Digesting less food appears to lessen tissue wear and tear from excess blood sugar, inflammation and free radicals. Consume lots of water to replace the meal. Drink enough water anyway

5. Get a pet. Pet owners tend to visit the physician less, survive longer even after a heart attack, and suffer less from depression and high blood pressure.

6. Get medical support for chronic pain. If you are in pain, get it seen to. Chronic pain dampens the immune system, can cause depression and tends to elevate levels of the noxious stress hormone cortisol.

7. Get walking. Through age, blood vessel walls tend to harden and exercise keeps blood vessels pliable. Light exercise also reduces the likelihood of diabetes, cancer, depression, dementia and even aging of the skin.

8. Lessen arguments. Arguments and fighting increase the risk of congested arteries. Rather than allow arguments to simmer, agree that it is OK to have differing points of view.

9. Live around plants. Having a garden or greenhouse to grow plants in is a wonderful way to decrease stress or recuperate from illness. Just being able to catch plants in a room or through windows has been proven to be beneficial to bed-ridden patients.

10. Do some weight-training. Strength training is almost as meaningful as cardio exercise to the aging body. This is because from 40 on the body can lose a quarter-pound of muscle each year which is replaced with fat. Lifting weights 3 times a week for a half-hour can easily replace that lost through natural aging.

So there you have it. Some tips on anti-aging health. A system that is safe and easy to use. Using all of these tips will do wonders for you.

Please pass this on to those people in your life you care about.